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RECOMMENDED FOR: Tank truck, barge, ship, or storage tank transfer of a variety of chemical products. Chem MasterXTremeFEP has a
wire helix for full suction capability. The tube stock Fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP) has excellent chemical resistance
and is backed by Gates Gatron
for flex fatigue safety at the coupling. Chem MasterXTremeFEP is designed for
easy cleaning in a bath containing 10% (NaOH) @ +212°F (+100°C). Cleaning in place (CIP) methods may be used.
Applications include most basic chemicals which are building blocks for numerous chemicals used in a variety of
industries. Reference Gates Chemical Resistance Table for proper hose selection. Compatible with commercially
available Bio–Diesel fuels up to B–100.
CAUTION: Chem MasterXTremeFEP is designed to withstand fluid temperatures to +300°F (+149°C); however the rating is
dependent on the specific chemical conveyed. Contact Denver Product Application (303) 744–5070 for any chemical
above +125°F (+52°C).
TEMPERATURE: –40°F to +300°F (–40°C to +149°C) normal service.
CONSTRUCTION: Tube: Type T (FEP) Fluoroethylenepropylene. White. Backed with Gatron(Modified XLPE).

Reinforcement: Synthetic, high tensile textile with steel wire helix.
Cover: Type P (EPDM). Blue corrugated with orange stripe.
Design Factor: 4:1
COUPLINGS: Use permanent fittings only 71 or 73 for fluid temperatures up to +300°F (+149°C). Reference the Hose Coupling
STANDARDS: Meets FDA requirements
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