PH326 POLYHOSE Beverage Dispensing食品饮料输送管
Aflex Hose Pharmline 特氟龙软管外层硅胶
GATES FOOD&Beverage Master
GATES Sani-Pure(TM)
GATES Master -Flex 200CL
GATES Cellar Master Light 红酒软管水基产品软管
GATES Food Master Lite(TM)
GATES Food Master PVC Dry Goods(35-40)SD Clear干食品输送管FDA PVC
GATES Food Master PVC(50-100)SD Clear FDA食品吸送软管
GATES Food Master Oils and Dairy 150SD动植物油输送管FDA 3A 食品管
GATES Master-Flex 201CR
GATES Food Master Oils and Dairy 150SD MegaFlex改性丁晴橡胶食用油输送管FDA食品管